Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Use Your Body to Fight Cancer

Power to Cure Cancer is with in You

Is the Cure of Cancer inside us?

The answer to this question is YES. The power to fight Cancer is within us. We can use our own immune system to fight against the cause. Immunotherapy for cancer treatment is one of the most recent advances in Cancer therapy. It is a new class of cancer treatment that works to harness the innate powers of the immune system to fight cancer. Traditional tools in the fight against cancer include radiation, chemotherapy & surgery.These treatments destroy the cancer cells by poisoning them (chemotherapy), removing them (surgery) or burning them (radiation). The use of these treatments can effectively remove or kill cancer cells but their efficacy is limited. Healthy cells also tend to be destroyed through these treatments. This often results in morbidity of the patients treated with them & in the worst of cases; it can sometimes result in the patient’s death.Immunotherapy is the painless treatment approach that empowers the human immune system to fight cancer, infection and other diseases. This therapy has proven effective in the fight against cancer.

Learn How to fight against Cancer
There are two types of Immunotherapy for cancer: Active & Passive.

a) Active Immunotherapy for cancer treatment: This therapy engages the immune system & is potentially durable.

b) Passive Immunotherapy for cancer treatment: This therapy enhances pre-existing immune response & has a short life. 

Monoclonal Antibodies, Cytokines, Therapeutic Vaccines and Checkpoint Inhibitors can be used to treat certain cancers. Such immunotherapies have the potential to attack & destroy foreign bodies causing cancer. Immunotherapy can be used by itself to treat cancer, but it is more effective when used in the combination with traditional treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.

Following benefits of Immunotherapy makes it different from the conventional approaches:
  1. Non-Toxic as compared to Radiation, Chemotherapy & Surgery.
  2. Chemotherapy & Radiotherapy have the high probability of killing the normal cells in addition to cancer cells. Normal cells are taken care of properly by Immunotherapy.
  3.  Prevents cancer cells from growing rapidly.
  4. Painless treatment. It involves no side-effects. Provides relief from hair loss, vomiting, nausea and  infections.
  5. Offers a different mode of attack on tumor, thereby affording both patients & doctors a potential new treatment in the battle against cancer
Cancer is now Curable in India

Cancer Healer experts believe that every cancer patient has the right to be informed about this new therapy.  It is the duty of every oncologist to educate the patient about cancer, all treatment options available in the country or outside. This therapy is used to boost or restore the ability of the immune system to fight against cancer. This treatment mobilizes the body’s own powerful anticancer mechanisms to achieve the durable response.

Cure cancer with Immunotherapy- A painless cancer treatment. It is based on the generally accepted hypothesis that the immune system is the best tool humans have for fighting disease. Win the war against cancer with your immune system.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Coping with Cancer

Steps to Help You Cope With Cancer

Coping with Cancer

When someone first hears that they have been detected with cancer, the news hits them like a ball of fire. People tend to become morose, miserable and low. However, an important thing to remember here is that being diagnosed with cancer is not the end of the world. Cancer is treatable and people with cancer lead normal lives post getting cured.
Firstly, don’t lose your calm when you discover that you've been affected with cancer. Think of it as just some unwanted growth on your body like a few bad cells that need to be thrown out so that the your body can be restored to its normal functionality.

How cancer is born in your body?

There are billions of cells in the human body. These grow, divide and ultimately die in a typical fashion. Cancer results when the abnormal cells divide uncontrollably anywhere in your body such as bones, lungs, liver, etc.
Have Faith in Cancer

Coping with Cancer-

1. Detoxify your system- An important step towards cancer elimination is the removal of toxins from your

a) daily diet for Cancer Patients- eat food that is grown organically and is not chlorinated.
b) surroundings- use of natural and non toxic cleansers, furniture, cosmetics, clothing, etc.
You can detox with juice feasts (by drinking vegetable and fruit juices), water fasts, etc.

2. Exercise/engage in physical activity to increase your blood flow-

Poor circulation is a result of poor oxygenation. Cells become cancerous when they are oxygen deficient. Exercise or any kind of physical activity (for example, a good walk or a class of water aerobics) increases circulation in your body which improves oxygenation thereby helping to carry nutrients to your cells.
Excercise Daily

3. Appropriate Eating Habits-

A significant weapon in your cancer battling arsenal is diet. Even though your diet isn't what it used to be, it is crucial to not compromise on nutrition. Increase your consumption of organic foods to minimize toxins. Avoid using artificial sweeteners, refined grains and sugar. Instead, hunt for healthy sweeteners and use them.

4. Consume alkaline foods-

Reduce your intake of meats, junk foods, fried foods, alcohol, coffee, etc. And maximize the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. The body heals itself through a vegetarian, organic diet that included fresh juices and natural supplements.

5. Fight Fatigue-

Fatigue is basically tiredness which can be fought effectively with a good sleep. A restful sleep can lower pain and stress. Try going to sleep at the same time everyday, this will help you build a proper sleeping pattern.
Following the above tips will greatly aid you in winning your battle against cancer.