Cancer survival updates are offered by Cancer Healers on regular basis. More than medication, positive environment and a happy attitude are essential to ease the pain associated with battle against cancer. Besides, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, a supportive family especially a caring spouse helps add years to the survival of a cancer patient.
Marriages are made in heaven. This may seem like a mockery to many, today but a group of researchers think otherwise.
A study published online on Sept. 23 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology indicates that cancer patients who are married have better chances of surviving the disease if they have a supportive spouse.
The chief resident, Dr. Ayal Aizer Harvard University's radiation oncology program, Boston profoundly states that half of the cancer cases that were investigated , the role marriage played is more than the benefit conferred by chemotherapy in terms of improving survival of the patient.
The study was conducted over a period of four years from 2004 to 2008 with the largest cases of about 730,000 cancer patients investigated. This research was the first and largest of its kind to observe a link between marital support and cancer survivor.
Researchers believe that a spouse plays a key factor in taking the cancer patient for doctor visits regular. Stressful conditions like chemotherapy and radiations are also made comfortable in presence of a caring partner.
Dr. Krishna’s Cancer Healer is an organization that believes in Holistic Treatment of the
cancer patient. The medical team empathizes with the whole family and proactive knowledge is shared with the caretakers of the cancer patient. The Immunotherapy approach is not stressful as compared to chemotherapy and radiation and the clinic offers a comfortable ambience to the patient and spouse or any family member.
Cancer affects the whole family. Hence Dr. Tarang Krishna pay attention to counseling and supportive care to patient as well as concerned family members.
Cancer can be survived. Simple, measures can help ease the daily challenges. It is learnt that besides medical care, holistic approach and positive attitude eases the struggle to overcome the disease.
Marriages are made in heaven. This may seem like a mockery to many, today but a group of researchers think otherwise.
A study published online on Sept. 23 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology indicates that cancer patients who are married have better chances of surviving the disease if they have a supportive spouse.
The chief resident, Dr. Ayal Aizer Harvard University's radiation oncology program, Boston profoundly states that half of the cancer cases that were investigated , the role marriage played is more than the benefit conferred by chemotherapy in terms of improving survival of the patient.
The study was conducted over a period of four years from 2004 to 2008 with the largest cases of about 730,000 cancer patients investigated. This research was the first and largest of its kind to observe a link between marital support and cancer survivor.
Researchers believe that a spouse plays a key factor in taking the cancer patient for doctor visits regular. Stressful conditions like chemotherapy and radiations are also made comfortable in presence of a caring partner.
Dr. Krishna’s Cancer Healer is an organization that believes in Holistic Treatment of the
cancer patient. The medical team empathizes with the whole family and proactive knowledge is shared with the caretakers of the cancer patient. The Immunotherapy approach is not stressful as compared to chemotherapy and radiation and the clinic offers a comfortable ambience to the patient and spouse or any family member.

Cancer affects the whole family. Hence Dr. Tarang Krishna pay attention to counseling and supportive care to patient as well as concerned family members.
Cancer can be survived. Simple, measures can help ease the daily challenges. It is learnt that besides medical care, holistic approach and positive attitude eases the struggle to overcome the disease.