What would you do when one miserable day, your doctor tells you those three dreaded words, “You have cancer”. Most of us, would probably go numb for a few minutes, curse God, wonder what wrong had we done to deserve it and maybe even refuse treatment initially (yes, we’re self destructive like that). But these ways do not work. They fail to work chiefly because the human spirit is invincible, and has a way of bouncing back. The quintessential example of such an exemplary spirit would be ace cricketer and batsman, Yuvraj Singh.
Diagnosed with a malignant tumor in the left lung in year 2011, Yuvraj’s tumor developed between his heart and lung, and is commonly referred to as seminoma. Seminoma, which commonly develops as a tumor on the reproductive organ of males, was found on the upper portion of his lungs, medically known as superior mediastinal region.

Yuvraj Singh’s memoir, The Test Of My Life, is an account of his struggle and victory over cancer, a disease, he says that “turns you upside down. In body, in mind, in spirit”. Nations favorite son and the God of cricket, Sachin Tendulkar, who formally launched Singh’s book, said, “When I went to meet him in London, I was telling my wife (Anjali) that I don't want to break down when I see him. I met him and gave him a tight hug. We enjoyed a meal and from the way he (Yuvraj) ate, I was convinced that he is back on track.” Sachin further added, “When I saw my wife discussing medical terms with Yuvraj, I realized what he has been going through. He is like my younger brother and I would ask God why it (the illness) had to happen to Yuvraj."
Over the years, Sachin and Yuvraj have played some amazing cricket together and Sachins recent retirement has left the entire nation missing him more than ever. An emotional Yuvraj commented, "It's been amazing to play with him for so many years. He is one of the greatest players to have played the game”.

Therefore, it wouldn't be wrong to say that Yuvraj Singh sets a perfect example to the millions of people suffering from cancer, because in the end, what matters is your courage and the hope to live.