Monday, 31 March 2014

How to reduce cancer risk

Various preventive measures to reduce cancer risk

Cancer is one of the few deadliest diseases affecting humankind for centuries. It is a disease known to us since time immemorial. However, it was in past few decades when cancer awareness and support made it possible for people suffering from it to cope up with the painful treatments and stressful after effects. Government organizations, NGOs and various groups of people are working on different levels to raise awareness and funds for cancer research and treatment.
For example, March is national colorectal cancer month. During the entire month, various healthcare professionals across the country made a concentrated effort to raise awareness about colorectal cancer. Similarly, every year the American Cancer Society together with other organizations work for cancer treatments and awareness among minorities.
reduce cancer risk - Cancer Healer Center
But this is not only the work of governments, we all have to give an equal share to fight against it and try to reduce the chances of any type of cancer. In addition, we should make sure that those having cancer get proper care, attention and full support to fight with it.
How we can reduce the risk?
Certain cancer types are considered inherited, that means if a member in one generation had cancer, the risk of others in the next generation likely increase while many other cancers develop due to faulty living habits. For example, breast cancer. Remember, the Academy Award winner Angelina Jolie had done preventive double mastectomy in 2013 because of her high risk for breast cancer. Now the brave actress will get preventive ovary removal surgery to reduce her chance of developing ovarian cancer to at least 50 percent. Her risk of cancer are so high due to the 'faulty gene' BRCA1 that she inherited from her mother and other ancestors.
Preventive surgery is one of the many ways to reduce cancer risk. However, along with that you have to follow a healthy lifestyle. Here are few things you can work around to prevent the chances of developing cancer.
Say no to Cancer - - Cancer Healer Center

Regular cancer screening
The risk of getting cancer increases with age. Getting regular cancer screening tests after 50  years old may help identifying any minor development. In many types of cancers, any diagnosis at early stage could even prevent further development. Discuss your family history with your doctor and check for tests for colon, rectum, breast, cervical, lung and prostate cancers.
Watch the weight
There could be several reasons of weight gain. However, most of them results in some kind of disease. Obesity is not good as it bring various health problems, one of which could be cancer. Sudden and uncontrolled weight gain could develop breast, uterine, esophageal, colon and kidney cancer. It is important to reduce and control weight to stay healthy, fit and away from any risk of developing disease.
Exercise is must
Regular exercise is important and necessary. Even if you have an active lifestyle, a routine exercise for at least 15 minutes can keep you healthy and ready for any risk. If you have any disease history, it becomes more important and essential. Exercise keeps our weight under control, helps in developing the immunity and reduces the risk of various diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and even cancers that includes colon breast and prostate cancer.  
Eat healthy
A balanced diet that fulfills all nutritional requirements of the body every day is important. Eat at least two bowls of vegetables and fruits every day. Include whole-grain and cereals as well as balance amount of dairy products in your meals. Avoid fried and processed food. Take up for red meat over fish and poultry.
Do not drink and smoke
Smoking and drinking severely damage every organ. Smoking alone could cause 15 types of cancers, and it is the root cause for more than 30 percent of cancer deaths. It is better to quite a habit that could take up your life.

Friday, 28 March 2014

This is What Causes Cancer

Every cell has its own growth. Every cell takes its time to be developed, before proceeding with taking over its functionality of serving its role in the body. And just like every other living thing, it has its own lifespan. Each and every cell of every part of the body gets thoroughly replaced throughout the individual’s lifetime. Like mentioned before, the cell takes a particular time to get matured and replace the old cell. When due to certain reasons, the cells, when still immature, are passed to the body to replace the old ones. These cells are the “bad cells”. They live longer than the regular cells, and multiply quickly. This leads to the production of a small lump, which later turns to tumor. If left unchecked, this tumor then turns to cancer.
What Causes Cancer

When the cell growth of any part of the body starts happening in an unnatural way, the reasons to which could be extrinsic or intrinsic in nature, to the extent that the cell growth turns uncontrolled, that resultant cell which is an output of this uncontrolled growth, is named as cancer. If coined together, as per Dr. Hari Krishna, “Every common man, can control, and win over cancer before it gets spread.”
Smoking Cause cancer

Constant Irritation Causes Cancer: Anything that has been irritating you, might turn into cancer. A few examples have been shared below:
  1. If the inner wall of the mouth constantly gets bitten by the teeth, and this happens to continue for a long time, it might turn into cancer later.
  2. If women are facing a constant pain in the breasts, even though they are not going through their menstrual cycle that might be cancer. Again, women do suffer from a certain degree of pain during their menses, but if the pain is unbearable or unnatural, and constant, this might turn into tumor in nature.
  3. If a child suffers from a constant fever, and especially in case of toddlers, if they are constantly crying during the fever, this might be a sign that he/she has cancer.
Cancer is Curable

Gone are the times when people who were addicted to cigarettes (smoking) or alcohol or tobacco get cancer. With the change of environment, increased pollution, changed lifestyle, eating habits and many more,. Even the genetic factors, those who had someone in the family with a cancer history, have more chances to get cancer.
Women who hadn’t touched a single stick of cigarette, or a single glass of alcohol suffered from oesophagal cancer, or throat cancer.

Cases have been discovered wherein people leading the perfect healthy lifestyle got cancer.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Be Hopeful- Combat Cancer with Cancer Healer

Cancer can be treated by surgery, Chemotherapy, radiation therapy and Immunotherapy. But most of these treatments have a negative effect on normal cells. Though surgery is one of the safest methods of cancer treatment but due to rapid spread of cancer cells the treatment can sometimes be ineffective. 
On the other hand Immunotherapy also known as Biologic therapy is a new type of cancer treatment that enhances the body’s immune system to fight against cancer. It can be done either by;

a)   Training the immune system to recognize the cancer cell and destroy it
b)   Or by recruiting the immune system to destroy the tumour cells by using antibodies

There are several types of immunotherapy including:

a)   Monoclonal antibodies which are based on the working principle of human immune system (produce antibodies when the body is infected by external bodies like bacteria, fungi etc). It is artificially prepared and inserted in the body intravenously (through the veins). They target the specific proteins on the surface of cancer cells by recognizing the harmful cells which are sometimes neglected by the immune system and thereby helping the immune system recognize and destroy the cancer cells. Also they help block the cancer growth factor receptors (receptors that help in the growth of the cells).

b)   Non-specific immunotherapy are usually given simultaneously with other cancer treatments like Chemotherapy. It can be done by either using laboratory prepared Interferons which slows down the growth or by using Interleukins which destroys the cells.

c)   Cancer vaccines expose the immune system with a protein that triggers the immune system to recognize and destroy the cancer causing cells. It can be done either by using Preventive vaccines which are given to prevent a person from the viruses like Human papillomavirus that prevent cervical Cancer. Or by Treatment vaccine which trains the immune system to fight against the cancer.

Few of the major advantages of using Immunotherapy is that that;

  1. There is no hair loss, pain, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite which is experienced with Chemotherapy
  2. Normal cells are not destroyed unlike Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy
  3. Avoids conditions like Osteoradionecrosis (bone death)
  4. Cheaper and affordable

Cancer Health Center is one of the places where Immunotherapy is used to treat Cancer by Dr. Tarang Krishna. At Cancer Healer Center more than 3200 patients have been treated till date by using the Immunotherapy. At the Center cancer is treated by using Cancer Healer medicines which are operative as well as cost effective. As told by Nikolai Lenin “The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart”. This is a place which aims to a future with a long and healthy life, not living in the shadows of Cancer but light.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Healing liver cancer with immunotherapy

Liver cancer is on the rise, creating worries for us. Liver being one of the most important organs need care and hence we should be aware of the risk factors of liver cancer and make sure that we keep liver cancer at bay.

Symptoms of liver cancer

In the initial stage, the liver cancer does not show any symptoms. As the liver swells, the symptoms are manifested in the form of fatigue, nausea, weight loss, bloating and dark colored urine.
Liver cancer is detected through physical examination as often lumps can be felt. Blood tests and ultrasound and other advanced tests are usually conducted to diagnose the disease properly.

The risk factors of liver cancer

People with other liver diseases like hepatitis B and C are prone to get liver cancer. It has been found that with age the risk of the disease increases. Moreover, men are at greater risk than women. Obesity and family history of liver cancer are other two factors that contribute to risks of liver cancer.

The treatment of liver cancer

The treatment depends largely on the overall health of the patients and also the stage of the cancer. Usually chemotherapy, surgery or percutaneous ethanol injections are used to treat liver cancer.

Need for alternative treatment of liver cancer

The liver cancer treatment is particularly painful as it affects the entire body. Chemotherapy causes patients to lose their appetite and hence rapid weight loss is one of the side effects of the treatment. Apart from it, nausea, vomiting, mouth ulcers are other side effects. Since the sessions of chemotherapy are done over a period, the patients suffer a lot and the often the side effects need medical attention.
The pain and sufferings related to conventional treatment procedures have made several doctors try alternate therapies for cancer treatment. Immunotherapy, as alternative treatment, has been largely adopted to bring relief.

Dr. Krishna
, a cancer specialist in India is one of the forerunners who have given his life to develop medicine of cancer. His efforts have culminated into the development of cancer healer, a wonder medicine that can prevent and cure cancer.
Cancer healer is a unique medicine in the sense that it is based on immunotherapy and hence boosts the immune system of the body to fight the cancerous cells living the normal cells intact. Thus the side effects are not observed and the treatment becomes painless.
We hope one day the entire world will adopt cancer healer to treat liver cancer and Dr. Krishna will get his due credits.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Risks, causes and treatment of male breast cancer

When we talk of breast cancer, we think of women only. However male breast cancer, though not very common affect a small percentage of male and hence requires our attention too.

What is male breast cancer?

Breast cancer in men is very uncommon. In UK only 1 man in 100,000 may get it. However doctors are of the opinion that the diagnosis often happens at a later stage thus decreasing survival rate. Hence it is important that we spread awareness and keep ourselves informed about its symptoms and risk factors.
Breast cancer in men develops in the small amount of breast tissues that are found behind the nipples. There are different types of male breast cancer like infiltrating ductal carcinoma, ductal carcinoma in situ and inflammatory breast cancer.

Male breast cancer – symptoms and risk factor

The symptoms of breast cancer in males are development of painless and hard lumps and nipple discharge and nipple retraction.
Doctors are yet to pinpoint the causes of male breast cancer however it has been observed that men over 60 are more prone to get it. Moreover, men who have a family history of breast cancer, both males and females are at higher risk of getting it. Obesity and exposure to radiation are other causes of breast cancer in males. Diseases that are linked to high levels of estrogen have also been found to cause breast cancer in men.
Any lump formation in the breast should be immediately reported to the doctor so that the disease can be detected at the earliest and treatment can be started also.
Treatment of male breast cancer
Surgery is the most common treatment under conventional medical science. Hormone therapy is also very common to prevent the growth of the breast tissues. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are also resorted to depending on the symptoms.
Other than conventional treatment, therapies for treating breast cancer are also prevalent nowadays. Immunotherapy has been effectively used to find alternative cancer treatment in India for some time. Dr. Krishna, an eminent cancer specialist in India has achieved breakthrough with his research.

Cancer healer – an answer to breast cancer

Dr. Krishna has named his remedy cancer healer and it has actually been received well by the medical fraternity also. This remedy has been used on patients and the results achieved so far are quite heartwarming. Cancer treatment in India has become affordable with the introduction of cancer healer.
This medicine is based on the concept of immunotherapy and hence is less painful. It does not affect the normal blood cells but targets the cancerous cells and tries to eliminate them. It has no side effects at all and this has made it so popular with people.
Dr. Krishna has shown that it is possible to treat even male breast cancer with alternate therapies and this can prove to be a boon to the world.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Kidney Cancer- Survival Tips

Kidneys are the two bean shaped organs found near the middle of the back, one on the either side of the spine.  Blood is filtered through kidneys.  As blood passes through kidneys, waste products & unneeded water are collected into it & is turned into urine. Kidneys also produce three important hormones.

  1. Erythropoietin:  This hormone orders bone marrow to produce RBCs.
  2. Renin: This hormone regulates the blood pressure.
  3. Calcitriol helps the intestine to absorb calcium from the diet.

Kidney Cancer is one of the ten most common cancers in both men and women.  
Risk factors & causes include the following:

  1. Obesity:  Being obese will increase your chance of getting the symptoms of this cancer.
  2. Smoking: If you smoke your risk could be double that of a non- smoker.
  3. Kidney Disease:  Having Kidney Disease that needs dialysis increases the chances of cancer.
  4. Faulty Genes: Some people inherit a tendency to develop kidney cancer.
  5. High Blood Pressure: This is another major factor which increases the risk of cancer.

In order to lower the risk of kidney cancer, keep your kidney’s health in check:-

  • Stay Hydrated:  This action will help your kidneys function properly. Dark coloured urine is a sign of dehydration.
  • Eat Healthy: Eating good amount of fruits & vegetables helps you prevent many of the symptoms. Prefer whole wheat pasta, bread and rice. Don’t prefer oily foods.
  • Don’t Smoke or Drink too much: Smoking & drinking too much means your kidneys have to work harder to remove all the toxins from the blood.  Try to stop smoking & limit your alcohol drinking.
  • Watch the Blood Pressure: Get your blood pressure checked regularly. Increase in blood pressure will increase the risk of your kidney problems.
  • Stay Slim: Try to maintain a healthy weight. This action will help you avoid many risk factors causing kidney cancer.

Whether you’re worried about developing kidney cancer, making decisions about treatment, or trying to stay well after treatment, we can help. Your treatment options may include :

  • Surgery: For most renal cancer carcinomas, surgery is the main treatment. The chances of surviving cancer increases with this type treatment.
  • Radiation Therapy: This therapy kills cancer cells using high-energy radiation.
  • Chemotherapy: This therapy uses anti-cancer drugs. These drugs enter the bloodstream & spread all over the body, which makes the treatment useful for cancer that has spread to organs beyond the kidney.
  • Immunotherapy (Biologic Therapy): This therapy boosts the body’s immune system & fight off cancer cells more effectively. The main drug which is used in this therapy is cytokines (proteins that activate the immune system)
  • Targeted Therapy: Researchers have developed new drugs that effectively target molecular & genetic changes in the cells causing cancer.

If you are facing kidney cancer, Cancer Healer Center can help you learn about your treatment options with no possible side effects, and point you to information and services to help you get through treatment and live well afterward.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Get an edge over cancer with immunotherapy

There are plenty of benefits of leading a holistic life. It helps us to be healthy and remain full of energy all day. Holistic lifestyle creates harmony and helps us to maintain a balance.  Recently it has been found that a holistic lifestyle can also help in fighting deadly diseases like cancer. Many doctors have started researching in this field to find a cure to cancer and to provide relief to millions of people all across the world.

Cancer –give alternate methods of treatment a chance

Every year, millions of people die because of cancer. Breast cancer, lung cancer and cervical cancer are most common although instances of bone cancer, liver cancer and bladder cancer are on the rise. Every country is trying in its own way to find a remedy to this problem.
People are quite afraid of this disease. This is not only because the mortality rate is high but due to the fact that cancer is a painful disease. It is very agonizing and makes people suffer much. Moreover, the conventional treatment procedures often add to the sufferings. The side effects of chemotherapy remain for several months and even at times for years. Mouth ulcers, loss of appetite, decreasing weight and nausea are some of the widely experienced side effects that often need medical attention. All these facts make people wary of the conventional treatment.
The burden of high cost of cancer treatment also makes people try to find out alternative treatment methods. In this regard, holistic living can come as a respite. It has been found that including certain foods and following an organic diet can help people to stay away from cancer.
Immunotherapy, which involves making the body strong from within, has been long debated to be helpful in curing cancer. Dr. Krishna, a cancer specialist in India, has undertaken extensive research and his hard work have reaped results also. Cancer healer, a unique cancer treatment method has been developed by him which is successful in treating several types of cancer.
Dr. Krishna has changed the scenario of cancer treatment in India with his pioneering discovery. Cancer healer uses the concepts of immunotherapy and the age-old alternative treatment wisdom to bring relief to cancer patients.
Be it throat cancer or anal cancer or even thyroid cancer, cancer healer has been successful in alleviating the pain and curing the disease also. This is one of the best therapies for cancer treatment available today.
With Dr. Krishna, alternate cancer treatment in India has got a boost and many doctors have followed his suit including his own son, Dr. Tarang Krishna who is himself a cancer specialist.

It seems that Dr. Krishna and his team is all set to create history with cancer healer and finding a cure to the deadly disease that has gripped the entire world.