Monday 31 March 2014

How to reduce cancer risk

Various preventive measures to reduce cancer risk

Cancer is one of the few deadliest diseases affecting humankind for centuries. It is a disease known to us since time immemorial. However, it was in past few decades when cancer awareness and support made it possible for people suffering from it to cope up with the painful treatments and stressful after effects. Government organizations, NGOs and various groups of people are working on different levels to raise awareness and funds for cancer research and treatment.
For example, March is national colorectal cancer month. During the entire month, various healthcare professionals across the country made a concentrated effort to raise awareness about colorectal cancer. Similarly, every year the American Cancer Society together with other organizations work for cancer treatments and awareness among minorities.
reduce cancer risk - Cancer Healer Center
But this is not only the work of governments, we all have to give an equal share to fight against it and try to reduce the chances of any type of cancer. In addition, we should make sure that those having cancer get proper care, attention and full support to fight with it.
How we can reduce the risk?
Certain cancer types are considered inherited, that means if a member in one generation had cancer, the risk of others in the next generation likely increase while many other cancers develop due to faulty living habits. For example, breast cancer. Remember, the Academy Award winner Angelina Jolie had done preventive double mastectomy in 2013 because of her high risk for breast cancer. Now the brave actress will get preventive ovary removal surgery to reduce her chance of developing ovarian cancer to at least 50 percent. Her risk of cancer are so high due to the 'faulty gene' BRCA1 that she inherited from her mother and other ancestors.
Preventive surgery is one of the many ways to reduce cancer risk. However, along with that you have to follow a healthy lifestyle. Here are few things you can work around to prevent the chances of developing cancer.
Say no to Cancer - - Cancer Healer Center

Regular cancer screening
The risk of getting cancer increases with age. Getting regular cancer screening tests after 50  years old may help identifying any minor development. In many types of cancers, any diagnosis at early stage could even prevent further development. Discuss your family history with your doctor and check for tests for colon, rectum, breast, cervical, lung and prostate cancers.
Watch the weight
There could be several reasons of weight gain. However, most of them results in some kind of disease. Obesity is not good as it bring various health problems, one of which could be cancer. Sudden and uncontrolled weight gain could develop breast, uterine, esophageal, colon and kidney cancer. It is important to reduce and control weight to stay healthy, fit and away from any risk of developing disease.
Exercise is must
Regular exercise is important and necessary. Even if you have an active lifestyle, a routine exercise for at least 15 minutes can keep you healthy and ready for any risk. If you have any disease history, it becomes more important and essential. Exercise keeps our weight under control, helps in developing the immunity and reduces the risk of various diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and even cancers that includes colon breast and prostate cancer.  
Eat healthy
A balanced diet that fulfills all nutritional requirements of the body every day is important. Eat at least two bowls of vegetables and fruits every day. Include whole-grain and cereals as well as balance amount of dairy products in your meals. Avoid fried and processed food. Take up for red meat over fish and poultry.
Do not drink and smoke
Smoking and drinking severely damage every organ. Smoking alone could cause 15 types of cancers, and it is the root cause for more than 30 percent of cancer deaths. It is better to quite a habit that could take up your life.

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