Saturday, 31 May 2014

How immunotherapy can treat leukemia successfully

There are perhaps very few people who do not know what leukemia means. Yes, the name is scary enough for people who know the pain it can cause. Leukemia is perhaps the deadliest of all cancer types that spread slowly and cause excruciating pain. However, medical sciences have made enough progress to treat leukemia and hence you should not be afraid of it.
What is leukemia?
In simple terms, leukemia can be explained as a disease that prevents our bone marrow to work properly. In a normal human being, the bone marrow produces white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets that are necessary for the body to perform normal functions. However, in leukemia the bone marrow produces white blood cells abnormally and hence they affect the functioning of the whole body.
White blood cells in Leukemia

There are different types of leukemia, each one associated with different sets of symptoms.
Leukemia is generally caused due to over exposure to radiation or certain chemicals. Genetic disorders are also known to cause it.
Treatment of leukemia
Conventional medical science treats leukemia through radiotherapy, chemotherapy and medicines. Surgery is often resorted to depending on the condition of the patient. However, the side effects of these treatments are quite severe and often leave the patient incapacitated.
Along with this, the doctors also advise patients to follow a healthy lifestyle and get enough physical activity. Leading a stress free life is very important.

Leukemia and immunotherapy – a new breakthrough
The occurrence of leukemia has increased so much that it is receiving a lot of attention from the entire medical fraternity. A lot of researches are being conducted to alleviate the condition of the patients. Some of these studies have been done in the field of immunotherapy and have achieved good results.

Dr. Krishna, a cancer specialist in India is one of the leading doctors who have worked on immunotherapy. His research has proved that immunotherapy can be used to treat leukemia successfully. Encouraged by the findings, Dr. Krishna has worked for many years in this field and has discovered Cancer healer – a medicine that can cure cancer.
Cancer healer is a unique medication method that relies heavily on immunotherapy. The medicine is a natural one and tries to boost the immune system to stop the cancer cells from growing without affecting the normal cells. This approach of targeting the cancer cells only has proved to be very beneficial to the patients. Side effects that are generally caused by conventional treatments are not observed in patients who take cancer healer.
Cancer Healer

Thus the patients do not suffer from pain, vomiting tendency and loss of weight. They can lead a normal life and complete the treatment.
Cancer healer is cheaper when compared to other procedures. Dr. Tarang Krishna, son of Dr. Krishna has also dedicated himself to the treatment of cancer. With cancer healer, it seems that soon we will discover a way to beat to leukemia permanently.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Leukemia- Its type, symptoms and treatments

Leukemia is a type cancer of the white blood cells, which begin in the bone marrow. In this article we will discuss the types, symptoms treatments and other related topics. This information refers to four types of leukemia; acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia.

Leukemia’s are grouped in two ways: the type of white blood cell affected lymphoid or myeloid; and how quickly the disease develops and gets worse acute leukemia appears suddenly and grows quickly while chronic leukemia appears gradually and develops slowly over months to years.
Symptoms of leukemia are not very prominent in many people. These Symptoms tend to be mild at first and worsen slowly.
The main symptoms include: tiredness and or anemia the person may have pale complexion, weakness and feel breathlessness, the person may have repeated infections like mouth sores, sore throat, fevers, sweats, and coughing, frequent passing of urine with irritation, infected cuts and scratches, and boils also increased bruising and bleeding.

Some of the other symptoms that are not so common are:  having bone pain, the gums seem to be tender and swollen, the skin develops rashes, and more headaches are visible. Even vision becomes weak, vomiting, enlarged lymph glands, enlarged spleen that may cause pain or discomfort, chest pains.
An initial blood test will show if blast cells are present. A bone marrow biopsy, chest x-ray and lumbar puncture are done to confirm diagnosis and the type of leukemia the cause of acute leukemia is not known, but factors that put some people at higher risk are: exposure to intense radiation. Most people diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia have an abnormal   called the Philadelphia chromosome. It has also been linked to exposure to high levels of radiation.
Treatment depends on the type of cancer. Acute develop quickly and need to be treated urgently, typically within 24 hours of diagnosis. Common treatment options are: Acute lymphoblastic leukemia chemotherapy peripheral blood stem cell and bone marrow transplantation, radiotherapy to the head acute myeloid leukemia, chemotherapy, peripheral blood stem cell and bone marrow transplantation. Chronic lymphoblastic watchful waiting radiation therapy chemotherapy with stem cell transplant is being tested in clinical trials, surgery which includes removal of the spleen, monoclonal antibody and therapy. Chronic myeloid leukemia tyrosine kinase inhibitory therapy chemotherapy biologic therapy high dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplant donor lymphocyte infusion surgery which is removal of spleen.

If a person is suffering from such kind of cancer and if he or she requires immediate treatment, then along with other therapies patient can also use  Immunotherapy. As it will help him

Monday, 19 May 2014


The majority of the cases of cancer is because of the risks involved in the surrounding environment. Cancer takes place because of infections and allergies in the environment and mostly people who are careless get this disease. When we choose a spoiled lifestyle like smoking, drinking, eating outside, eating and drinking contaminated food items, we are more prone to get such ailments.

The more the level of hazardous activities increase in our lives, the more we come on the verge of getting cancer. However, many research institutes and NGOs have tried to raise the awareness about the hazards involved in this but, people avoid it. Every cancer specialist and expert has to follow a hierarchy to diagnose this disease in the human body.

Risk assessment: The foremost step of risk assessment is done to take a check on the level of risks involved in the surrounding environment. This step is subdivided into two main steps. The first step is to identify the main cause of the hazard or infection. The chemical or physical nature of the hazard can help in identifying its potential to produce cancer. The second step is to define the concentration of the particle in the surrounding environment. This step also decides the extent to which people are prone to these hazards.

Chemicals: Chemicals are being used to test the levels of hazard and allergies in the environment. Chemicals like benzene, arsenic, vinyl chloride help in collecting evidence about human carcinogenicity. Some habits like intake of alcohol and smoking increase the chances of getting infections and allergies, which take the shape of cancer if continued.
Radiation: It has been proven that human cancer can be caused due to ionizing radiation (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) radiation that too, when they are at their highest frequency. The UV rays can penetrate your skin and if it has been done 

Remember, that any disease is due to different deficiencies. The higher the deficiencies, the greater the risk of disease.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Options

There are many cancer healing centres worldwide. Some centres provide treatment in the same way for every cancer ailment while some follow the treatment in an organ specific way. In the same way, oncologists also specialize in treating different types of cancer in a different way. There are few types of cancer, which have become very common in humans. Breast cancer is one such type of cancer which is very common in women.
Breast Cancer Awareness

This kind of cancer can also cause lung cancer to the same patient therefore, it is better to treat it at the initial stage. Women between 45 to 55 years of age are most affected by this kind of cancer. This cancer can be cured effectively if detected at the earliest else patients have to go through the entire treatment. This cancer is caused when breast cells develop in the breasts at an uncontrollable rate.
Doctors use a number of ways to diagnose this kind of disease. One method of diagnosis is through physical examination under which presence of lumps is being looked out. There are other ways to diagnose when the doctors find out some abnormal changes like size, shape or discoloration of skin.
Normally, radiologists make use of mammography to diagnose the abnormal changes in the body. This is done by taking the X- ray of the breasts, which can give an idea about the level of cancer. Another way to diagnose breast cancer is through ultrasound imaging which gives an idea about the lump formed in the breasts.

MRI is another method to diagnose cancer as it is used in cases where it is difficult to diagnose the disease. After all these treatments a biopsy is performed. This is a very painful procedure. This tool confirms the presence of disease in the breasts. There are two types of treatment to treat breast cancer.
The first is local treatment which is performed by removing or controlling the cancerous cells in the breasts. This treatment is also known as mastectomy and lumpectomy. Some local treatments make use of radiation therapy too, which is done by using a high beam of radiation to destroy the affected cells.
Another breast cancer treatment is systemic treatment which is done when this cancer is spread in other body parts. This treatment includes the use of various other therapies like chemotherapy, biological therapy, etc. However, only a doctor can guide about the therapy you should undergo.